Lion (Panthera leo)
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- Lion (Panthera leo)
Details of Lion (Panthera leo)
The largest of Africa's three big cats. Body colour ranges from pale tawny to reddish –grey with paler underparts. Females can be distinguished from males for only adult males carry manes of long hair, extending from the sides of the face on to the neck, shoulders and chest.
Mane ranges from pale tawny to black in color. Males are larger than females. They are most sociable large cat living in prides of betweeen three and 30 individuals. Social groupings are complex composed of a relatively stable core of related females.
Female do the hunting especially at night in groups and can also steal a newly caught prey from other animals. Males take priority when feeding at a kill.
Lions usually rest and sleep for 16-20 hours per day!Territory is defended by both females and males.
Short Overview
Height: M 115 cm; F 91 cm
Weight: M 220 kg, F 150 kg
Active: Mostly Nocturnal
Habitat: Varied-forest to desert
Food: Meat, mainly ungulates