Klasični safari
Tanzanijska avantura med divjino in plemeni - 6 dni
Doživetje tanzanijske divjine in življena plemen in tradicije, je popolna kombinacija, ki jo do...
Lake Nakuru National Park - Day trip from Nairobi
The park is covering around 188 square kilometres on the floor of the Great Rift Valley. In this park lie the shimmering waters of Lake Nakuru (its size varying from 5 to 3...
Hell's Gate National Park - Day tour from Nairobi
Around 100 kilometres northwest of Nairobi, Hells Gate National Park is an ideal venue for a day trip excursion. It provides endless biodiversity and is the only one of the...
Ol Pejeta Conservancy - One day tour from Nairobi
Yet another amazing day trip from Nairobi offers you an unforgettable experience in Ol Pejeta Conservancy. This non-profit wildlife conservancy provides sanctuary for great...
One Day at Kiambethu Tea Farm, Limuru - Trip from Nairobi
Did you know that Kenya is the second-largest producer of black tea? Its full-bodied flavor, aroma, and recognizable amber colour convinced and took over many taste buds si...
Mount Longonot, Lake Naivasha, and Hell’s gate - Two-day trip from Nairobi
A perfect choice for those who want to strain their muscles in the most diverse surroundings - and just a short drive from Nairobi. Visit three national parks, climb a volc...
Amboseli and Tsavo West National Parks - Three-day safari from Nairobi
Whether a bird lover, predator fan, or grazers admirer, Amboseli National park at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro won’t let you short of awe! Amboseli is considered Kenya‘s...
Fall in love with Masai Mara - Three days by road from Nairobi
Masai Mara (Maasai Mara) is one of Africa’s greatest wildlife reserves and it is one of the best-known and most popular reserves. Masai Mara and the Serengeti National Pa...
Explore Masai Mara - Two days by road from Nairobi
Masai Mara (Maasai Mara) is one of Africa’s greatest wildlife reserves and it is one of the best-known and most popular reserves. Masai Mara and the Serengeti National Pa...
Explore Masai Mara - Two days fly-in from Nairobi
Masai Mara (Maasai Mara) is one of Africa’s greatest wildlife reserves and it is one of the best-known and most popular reserves. Masai Mara and the Serengeti National Pa...
Two days in Hell’s Gate National Park and Lake Naivasha - Trip from Nairobi
Indulge your dynamic, sporty as well gentle, easy-going soul! Combine a bike ride in Hell’s Gate National park, a boat ride at Lake Naivasha and a splendid array of wildl...
Explore Aberdare National Park - Two-day safari from Nairobi
Aberdare National Park is located in central Kenya around 160 kilometres from Nairobi by road, and it stretches a hundred kilometres north to south within the third highest...
Enchanting Aberdare National Park & Ol Pejeta Conservancy - Three-day safari from Nairobi
Aberdare National Park is located in central Kenya around 160 kilometres from Nairobi by road, and it stretches a hundred kilometres north to south within the third highest...
Mount Longonot Hiking - Day trip from Nairobi
A perfect choice for those who want to escape from the busy streets of Nairobi into nature, but would rather strain their muscles in the most diverse surroundings than go f...
Lake Naivasha and Hell's Gate National Park - One day tour from Nairobi
Although Nairobi, so dynamic, vibrant, and full of striking images, tends to be hard to be left, opt for a day full of adventures in beautiful nature! Visit Lake Naivasha a...
3 dni-Amboseli in Zahodni Tsavo safari
This grand tour of Kenya's three national parks promises unparalleled sights and breathtaking moments. It is carefully designed to allow you to seize each day to its fulles...
Ten Day Kila Kitu Safari
"Kila kitu" is the Swahili word for "everything" and you're definitely experiencing a little bit of everything that Tanzania has to offer in this comprehensive ten day safa...
Safari po parku Tarangire in kraterju Ngorongoro - 2 dni
Dva dnevni safari do parka Tarangire in konzervata Ngorongoro, ponuja dve raznoliki zanimivi safari izkušnji....
Red Elephant Safari - Amboseli, Tsavo West and Tsavo East - Four days from Nairobi
The underlying theme being elephants this tour, obviously, is a treat for elephant lovers. And it will equally excite also those in search of other animals. Three less-crow...
Nepozabni safari po Keniji -5 dni
The perfect safari itinerary for all wanting to see the highlights of Kenya in less than a week, our Five-day Amazing Kenya Safari combines Amboseli National Park, Lake Nai...
Priključi se skupini - Tanzanija ekspres safari - 4 dni
Deli zabavo in stroške! Zagotovljeni odhodi in majhne skupine!Velikost skupine: največ 6 potnikov, najmanj 2 potnika Doplačilo za en...
Priključi se skupini - Kratki safari tanzanijskega severnega kroga - 3 dni
Deli zabavo in stroške! Zagotovljeni odhodi in majhne skupine!Velikost skupine: največ 6 potnikov, najmanj 2 potnika Doplačilo za en...
3 dni-Amboseli in Zahodni Tsavo safari
One of the oldest and largest parks in Kenya, Tsavo East National Park, holds almost 14.000 square kilometres of savanna and semi-arid grassland. It is named after the rive...
3 dni-Amboseli in Zahodni Tsavo safari
One of the oldest and largest parks in Kenya, Tsavo East National Park, holds almost 14.000 square kilometres of savanna and semi-arid grassland. It is named after the rive...
3 dni-Amboseli in Zahodni Tsavo safari
One of the oldest and largest parks in Kenya, Tsavo East National Park, holds almost 14.000 square kilometres of savanna and semi-arid grassland. It is named after the rive...
3 dni-Amboseli in Zahodni Tsavo safari
A small national reserve, some 35 kilometres from Mombasa and around 15 from the coast, the Shimba Hills National Reserve is a precious jewel, comprising of coastal rainfor...
3 dni-Amboseli in Zahodni Tsavo safari
Named after the river Tsavo, flowing from west to east through the National Park, and divided by road and rail from Tsavo East, Tsavo West National Park covers a good 9.000...
3 dni-Amboseli in Zahodni Tsavo safari
Divided by road and rail from the adjacent Tsavo East, Tsavo West National Park covers a good 9.000 kilometres. Together with adjoining ranches and protected areas, they co...
3 dni-Amboseli in Zahodni Tsavo safari
Located some 45 kilometres from Mombasa, adjacent to the Shimba Hills National Reserve, there spreads the Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary over an area of almost 243 square ki...
Kratki safari tanzanijskega severnega kroga - 3 dni
Da doživimo utrip tanzanijskih parkov ne potrebujemo veliko časa! ...
Tanzanija ekspres safari - 4 dni
Popolno ravnovesje med ogledi in izkoristkom časa. 4 dnevni hitri safari po Tanzaniji je vsebinsko zelo poln, kjer doživite najve...
Velika migracija v Tanzaniji - 5 dni
Doživetje dveh čudes sveta! Potovanje združuje opazovanje neverjetne Velike migracij gnujev in veličastni pak Serengeti....
Velikih pet v parkih tanzanijskega severnega kroga - 6 dni
Pridružite se nam v iskanju legendarnih Velikih 5! ...
Safari po Tanzaniji- divijina in tradicija- 8 dni
MAMBO v svahiliju pomeni “Kako kaj?”, in tako je oblikovan tudi program. V nekaj dneh dobite idealno predstavo »kako kaj Tanzanija?&laq...
Serengeti Safari Fly in 3 days
If you're pressed for time and the Serengeti is your priority, why not cut out the driving and fly directly to the world-famous National Park? A three-day fly-in safari lets y...
Tanzanijska avantura med divjino in plemeni - 6 dni
Doživetje tanzanijske divjine in življena plemen in tradicije, je popolna kombinacija, ki jo do...
Potovanje po visokogorju Ngorongora -7dni
Če iščete izkušnjo safarija, ki je izven uhojenih poti in vam ponuja bolj intimno izkušnjo, bo spodnji prog...
Safari po Tanzaniji- divijina in tradicija- 8 dni
MAMBO v svahiliju pomeni “Kako kaj?”, in tako je oblikovan tudi program. V nekaj dneh dobite idealno predstavo »kako kaj Tanzanija?&laq...
Karibu! – Dobrodošli v Tanzaniji! - 7 dni
Karibu v svahiliju pomeni dobrodošli! Ta sedem dnevni safari vas popelje po najpestrejših parkih: parke Serengeti, Tarangire, jezero Manyara...
Tanzanijski safari - jezero Manyara in krater Ngorongoro - 2 dni
Lake Manyara in svetovno znano čudo Ngorongoro nudita popolno doživetje Afrike, če ste na tesnem s časom. Manya...
Južna Tanzanija- park Selous -5 dni
Explore Africa's largest protected wilderness with this five day Selous safari. Twice as large as the more famous Serengeti and three times the size of South Africa...
Safari v Nacionalni park Tarangire - 1 dan
Nacionalni park Tarangire je eden izmed afriških manj znanih biserov, a ...