Wildlife of Africa
Black rhinocerous (Diceros biconis)
Height: 135-230 cm Weight: 700-1600kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Woodland Food: Trees, shrubs, leaves and forbs(small herbs)...
African Elephant (Loxodonto africana)
Height: M 350cm, F 300 cm Weight: M 5750 kg; F 3800kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Savannah, scrub Food: Bulk feeder and in a day only the...
African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
Height: 140-170 cm Weight: M 785 kg; F 715 kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Woodland, tall grass areas ...
Golden Jackal (Canis aureus)
Height: 43 cm Weight: 12,5 kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Open country with good cover and water Food: Carrion, small mammals and birds, ...
Side Striped Jackal (canis adustus)
Height: 39 cm Weight: M 9,7 kg; F 8,7 kg Active; Day and Night Habitat: Thick woodland with plenty water Food: Carrion, fruit, hares, ...
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris)
Height: 52 cm Weight: 11 kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Riverine woodland Food: Tough grasses ...
Klipsiringer (Oreotragus oreotragus)
Height: 52 cm Weight: M 12 kg; F 14 kg Active:Day and Night Habitat: Rocky out crops, mountains and Kopjes Food: Leaves, fruits, herbs, shru...
Oribi( Ourebia ourebi)
Height: 58 cm Weight: M 15 kg; F 17 kg Active: Mainly diurnal Habitat: Open grassveld Food: Grass maintained by fire...
Bohor Reedbuck (Redunca redunca)
Height: M 75 cm; F 50 cm Weight: M 55 kg; F 45 kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Swampy areas Food: Tough grasses that grow in swampy areas,...
Impala (Aepyceros melampus)
Height: M 90 cm; F 86cm Weight: M 65 Kg; F 50 kg Active: Mainly diurnal Habitat: Open woodland, water Food: Grass and leaves...
Thomson's Gazelle (Gazella rufifrons thomsoni)
Height: M 62 cm; F 55 cm Weight: M 28 kg; F 20 kg Active: Mainly diurnal Habitat: Open, short grass plains Food: Short grass and about 10% f...
Grant' Gazzelle (Gazzelle granti)
Height: M 90 cm; F 83 cm Weight: M 70 kg; F 50 kg Active: Mainly diurnal Habitat: Arid areas, open grass plains with bush Food: Grass and le...
Topi (Damaliscus lunatus topi)
Height: 125 cm Weight: M 140 kg; F 110 kg Active:Maily Diurnal Habitat: Seasonally flooded grassland in dry regions Food: Tall flood plain g...
Coke's Hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus cokei)
Height: 132 cm Weight: M 170 kg; F 150 kg Active: Mainly diurnal Habitat: Boundaries of grassy plains and woodland Food: grass, non selectiv...
Defassa Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
Height: M 135 cm; F 120 cm Weight: M 250 kg; F 175 kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Riverine canopy woodland, always near water Food:...
Eland (Taurotragus oryx)
Height: M 170 cm; F 145 cm Weight: M 800 kg; F 480 kg Active: Mainly diurnal Habitat: Varied from open plains to mountains to semi desert Fo...
Bat Eared Fox (Otocyon megalotis)
Height: 25-30 cm Weight: M 3,8 kg; F 4,2 kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Open dry bush or semi desert Food: Mostly termites, insects, occa...
Black Backed Jackal (Canis mesomelas)
Height: 38 cm Weight: M 10 kg; F 8 kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Very well adapted in all habitats Food: Carrion, small mammals...
Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardus)
Height: 3 cm to the shoulder; 4.5-5 m total Weight: M 1850 kg; F 825 kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Acacia savannah woodland ...