Klipsiringer (Oreotragus oreotragus)
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- Klipsiringer (Oreotragus oreotragus)
Details van Klipsiringer (Oreotragus oreotragus)
Small and stocky with coarse , spiny hair which act as cushioning function when the animal falls but more likely serves as heat regulor. They have yellow brown to grey yellow colouration with an overall grizzled appearance. Ears are rounded, broad and usually bordered with black.
They have a heavily built appearance caused by hair standing on end instead of lying flat as in other antelope. It characteristically walks onthe tips of the hoofs and in most cases only the ram has horns; short, widely separated at the base, vertically placed and ringed only near the base.
They occur in pairs or small family parties, with the ram being territorial, extremely agile in moving across rocky terrain and up steep, rocky covered slopes.
Both sexes give loud nasal alarm whistles and mark their territory with secretion.
Kort overzicht
Height: 52 cm
Weight: M 12 kg; F 14 kg
Active:Day and Night
Habitat: Rocky out crops, mountains and Kopjes
Food: Leaves, fruits, herbs, shrubs