В Танзании живет 20 % млекопитающих Африки – и это не преувеличение. В чем вы и сами сможете убедиться.
Равнины Серенгети буквально кишат дикой природой, путешествуя на его территории будьте готовы увидеть сотни зебр, гну, жирафов, антилоп и множество других животных. Жемчужиной путешествия по Национальным паркам Танзании является Большая Миграция Гну. Массивное движение стада зебр, Гну и других животных – одно из самых впечатляющих зрелищ не только в Африке, но и во всем мире.
Дикая природа Кении во многом похожа на танзанийскую. Ведь именно эти две страны используются антилопами гну для миграции из года в год. Но есть и несколько видов жирафов, зебр и страусов, которых в Танзании не встретить.
Руанда и Уганда больше известны гориллами и шимпанзе. Также вы можете отправиться на поиски золотых обезьян, лесных слонов и львов, живущих на деревьях в Национальном Парке Королевы Елизаветы.
Mountain Nyala
The Mountain Nyala is a magnificent antelope endemic to the Ethiopian highlands east of the rift valley. The Mountain Nyala is a member of the Bovidae family, commonly know...
Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus)
Length - 4.1 metres to 5 metres Weight - around 410 kg Scin - thick,scaly, heavily armored....
African Rock Python (Python sebae)
Length - 3 metres, sometimes up to 6 metres. Weight - 32-55 kg, occasionally up to 90 kg Colour: body markings vary between brown, olive, chestnut, an...
Agama Lizard (Agama Agama)
The agama is a lizard from the Agamidae family found in most of sub-Saharan Africa.This lizard can be found climbing ro...
Black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza)
Eastern Black-and-white Colobus is native to much of west central and east Africa, including Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Ethiopia, K...
Blue Monkey (Cercopithecus mitis)
Though it's called blue, this monkey is usually olive or grey. It lives in forests, eats mainly fruits and leaves. Monkeys live in female-philopatric social syste...
Olive Baboon (Papio anubis)
Large, powerful mammals with well-developed social skills and great intelligence. Large herds of up to 100 baboons can be spotted, lead by an aggressive and strong male. Fe...
Blak faced Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops)
Different species can be found. To the right you see the most common, with a gray-yellowish fur, a black face and a black tail-tip. These monkeys live in large herds on the...
Striped Hyena (Hyaena hyaena)
Body length: 100 - 120 cm Weight: 25 - 55 kg Height - 0.66-0.75m ...
East African Oryx (Oryx beisa)
Body Length: 160-190 cm Shoulder Height: 110-120 cm Tail Length: 70-80 cm Weight: 150-200 kg Diet: Grasses, leaves, ...
Large-spotted Genet (Genetta tigrina)
Height - 210 mm Length - 460 mm Weight - 1.6 kg Tail - 400 mm...
Honey Badger(Mellivora capensis)
Height: 23 to 28 cm Lenght: 55–77 cm Tail: 12–30 cm Males weigh: 9 to 16 kg Females:...
Lesser Bush Baby (Galago senegalensis)
Height: 17,5cm Weight: 150 -250 g Active: Nocturnal Habitat: Acacia woodland Food: Gum, grasshoppers, months, spiders ...
Rock Hyrax (Heterohyrax brucei)
Lenght: 40 -57 cm Weight: M 2,75 kg: F 2,5 kg Active: Diurnal Habitat: Plains to mountains, kopjes,savannah Food: Mostly leaves, also ...
Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus)
Length - about 120 to 180 cm, Largest specimens attaining 244 cm Weight - 0.8 to 1.7 kg, can be from 5.9 to 15 kg &n...
Leopard Tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis)
Length - 460 mm, sometimes up to 700 mm Weight - 18 -54 kg...
Walia Ibex
Actually a kind of goat, the Walia Ibex is found in the Simien Mountains and is another animal unique to Ethiopia....
Ethiopian Wolves
With just 500 remaining in the wild, the beautiful Ethiopian Wolf is one of the nation’s most distinctive and beloved animals....
Hyenas - Ethiopia
Just outside the walled city of Harar is a peculiar sight. As night falls each day, local farmers have turned the tradition of feeding hyenas to deter them from the...
Обыкновенный Шимпанзе (Pan troglodytes)
Gelada baboons are actually more closely related to monkeys than baboons, and are only found in the Ethiopian highlands with large populations in the Simien Mountains Natio...
Chimpanzee Habituation Experience in Kibale National Park
For true chimpanzee enthusiasts, the day long chimpanzee habituation experience allows you to spend twelve hours in the presence of these fascinating primates....
Обыкновенный Шимпанзе (Pan troglodytes)
Height - up to 1,2 m Weight - around 70 kg Life span - 33 - 60 years Statu...
Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei)
Standing height - 1.2 to 1.8 m Weight - 135 to 220 kg Life span - 35 -50 years ...
Woodland Kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis)
The woodland kingfisher is widely distributed in tropical Africa south of the Sahara and from Pretoria northwards. ...
Hoopoe (Upupa epops, "hudhud")
Length - 25 – 29 cm Weight - 57 g Wingspan - 44 – 48 cm...
African Masked Weaver (Ploceus velatus)
Length: 11-14.5 cm Weight: around 37 g Voice: harsh swizzling...
Superb Starling Bird (Lamprotornis superbus)
Length: 18 cm Weight: 52-77 g Voice:sounds by xeno canto ...
Red-and-yellow Barbet (Trachyphonus erythrocephalus)
Length - 20–23 cm Weight - 40–75 g Distribution:South Eastern Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and North Eastern Tanzan...
Lilac-Breasted Roller (Coracias caudatus)
Weght - 104 grams Length - from 36 to 38 cm...
Dwarf Mongoose (Helogale parvula)
Length: 18-28 cm Weight: 280 g Active: Diurnal Habitat: Thickets and woodland with termitaria Food: Termites, worms, snails, insects ...
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo)
Length: 30-45cm Weight: 1,5-2,2 kg Active: Diurnal Habitat: Riverine forest or dense thorn veld Food: Insects, reptiles, eggs, fruits,...
Kirk's Dik Dik (Madoqua kirkii)
Height: 39 cm Weight: 5 kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Thick wood Food: Leaves, fruit, not water dependent ...
African hunting Dog (Lycaon pictus)
Height: 68 cm Weight. 20-36 kg Active: Diurnal Habitat: Open woodland Food: Meat, mammals...
Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta)
Height: 77 cm Weight: M 63 kg; F 70 kg Active: Norctunal Habitat: Varied grassland, or woodland and semi desert Food: Carrion and also hunt ...
Warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus)
Height: M 70 cm; F 60 cm Weight. M 100kg; F 60 kg Active: Diurnal Habitat: Open woodland and water Food: Roots, rhizomes, fruit, grass...
Caracal (Felis caracal)
Height: 43 cm Weight: M 15 kg; F 10 kg Active: Mainly nocturnal Habitat: Dry acacia bushland, semi desert and rocky areas Food: Small mammal...
Serval (Felis serval)
Height: 56 cmWeight: M 14 kg; F 9 kgActive: Mainly nocturnalHabitat: Moist bushland, riverine forestFood: Small mammals, insects and birds...
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
Height: 86 cm Weight: M 50 kg; F 42 kg Active: D iurnal Habitat: Open woodland and grassland plains Food: Meat, smaller ungulates and ...
Leopard (Panthera pardus)
Height: 65 cm Weight: M 60 kg; F 40 kg Active: Norctunal Habiat: Woodland, riverine forest, mountains, kopjes Food: Meat, middle sized ungul...
Lion (Panthera leo)
Height: M 115 cm; F 91 cm Weight: M 220 kg, F 150 kg Active: Mostly Nocturnal Habitat: Varied-forest to desert Food: Meat, mainly ungulates...
Zebra (Equus burchelii)
Height: 134 cm Weight: M 290 kg; 210 kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Grass and savannah woodland Food: Tall and short grasses &nbs...
Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)
Height: 135-230 cm Weight: 700-1600kg Active: Day and Night Habitat: Woodland Food: Trees, shrubs, leaves and forbs(small herbs)...