Lesser Bush Baby (Galago senegalensis)
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- Lesser Bush Baby (Galago senegalensis)
Details of Lesser Bush Baby (Galago senegalensis)
Has fine woolly greyish to grey brown coat, extending on to the well haired tail. Ears are large, thin and rounded, and extremely mobile. The eyes are very large , forwad pointing and ringed with black, the head is small and rounded, and snout is short. It's considered small than the thick tailed galago. They forage mainly in trees and only occassionaly descending to the ground.
Family groups of two to eight individualos sleep together, in self constructed nests of leaves, tree holes or in dense vegetation tangles. Group members always forage alone or in very loose assciations. They are territorial with groups occupying home ranges of about 3 ha but this varry according to food availability. Their jumping ability is amazing given their small size and is facilitated by the long , well developed hing legs.
They are very vocal wit a wide range of calls inclluding low croaks, chittering and grunts
Short Overview
Height: 17,5cm
Weight: 150 -250 g
Active: Nocturnal
Habitat: Acacia woodland
Food: Gum, grasshoppers, months, spiders