
Подробнее о Kigali activities

Kimironko market 

If you want to experience Rwanda at its liveliest, a visit to this busiest market in town is a must. Gigantic amounts of fresh produce dominate over the abundance of fabric, clothing, shoes, and general household necessities. 

This large warehouse complex is cleverly divided into sections that follow logically, so there's no fear you'll pose for the seamstress, taking measurements for your new unique piece, while next to you a butcher swings his knife.

Rwanda Kigali

Kimironko market

Birdwatching in Kigali 

Rwanda is one of Africa’s most exciting and diverse destinations for dedicated as well as novice birders since it's home to over 750 bird species.

Kigali, one of the greenest cities in Africa, offers amazing birding. Explore wetland, swamp, lake, forest, grass- and woodland, garden habitats - all bursting with avian life. Four different habitats are waiting to show off all their amazing, colorful, and chatty dwellers. 

Rwanda Kigali

Kigali Genocide museum

This resting place for more than 250,000 victims of the Genocide was built as a place of remembrance and learning of how far hatred can go. It is intended to be a reminder and a lesson that such a crime would never be committed again. This sombre place is meant to be a light in the bright future. 

Campaign against Genocide Museum

Rwanda Kigali

Campaign against Genocide Museum 

Before or after visiting the Genocide Museum, a visit to the Campaign against Genocide Museum, located in the Parliament building in central Kigali will offer a deeper, detailed insight. It presents the Genocide against the Tutsi from a military perspective and demonstrates the bravery and sacrifice of the RPF in their work in liberating Rwanda in 1994. 

Millenium village

One of the initial 14 Millenium Villages, Mayange, is a great example of how good ideas bear fruit. This cluster of four villages is prospering exponentially, people gain education and means to earn money. It is also proof that economic development can play a significant role in the reconciliation process. The Nyamata Church in Mayange is a site of two mass graves, containing the remains of 40,000 genocide victims. 

Rwanda Kigali

Nyamirambo Women’s center 

A great place to see, what women power can do! Their mission is to provide education and vocational training to women who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it, to improve their employment opportunities. Women from the community create a large variety of women’s accessories, children’s clothing, and home decor products. 

Inema art center 

In the heart of Kigali, there lies this gem. Inema Art Center, one of East African's major art galleries and so much more! Many different creativity programmes connect people of all ages and from all backgrounds. Soak in the positive energy, enjoy all that different art and maybe take a memorable piece back home, to fondly remember Rwanda forever. 

Niyo arts centre 

Another jewel, Niyo Arts Centre, displays a collection of Rwandan creative artists and artists from the region. But, of course, there's more. According to Niyosenga, the founder, art and music help youth serve as evidence that something as easy as a beat of the drum contributes to the fight against global poverty. Visiting them will fill your soul with warmth and draw a smile on your face. 

Краткое описание

Rwanda's capital city Kigali, located almost exactly in the middle of the country, with more than a million inhabitants has a lot to offer! While staying in Kigali use the opportunity to explore this modern metropolitan city, its historical and cultural sites, and other gems that surround the city. There are many points of interest that cater to different interests and wishes - surely something for everyone.


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