Fruit & Spice Wellness Resort


Подробнее о Fruit & Spice Wellness Resort

  • BEACH AND CLIFFS -         

Located in the wildest and most natural part of the island, between a long stretch of bone-white beach and unique coral caves, the resort offers its lucky guests a wonderful haven of quietness, exclusiveness and privacy.


The facility is made up of several blocks completely overlooking the splendid Kizimkazi bay. Thecharming, intimate and peaceful atmosphere, along with the location and the respectful size of the hotel towards the island's nature make it the ideal place to spend a pleasant and relaxing holiday. Your heart will be touched by unforgettable colours and fragrances.


Upon your arrival, a beautiful boulevard will lead you straight to the Main Hall, with a high makuti roof supporting the whole structure. On your left, you will find the “Frangipani” Main Restaurant, followed by 18 Deluxe rooms and other buildings leading to the cliff-edge which overlooks falling the Indian Ocean. On your right, you come to the “Vanilla Center”, a multi-service complex including the Boutique, the Fitness Studio and the Library with Internetpoint, located between the Reception and 12 more Deluxe rooms, laid out across two floors which take you up to a luscious green. A second charming restaurant faces over the crystal clear water of the central pool, just in front of the Hall and behind the long natural wooden jetty which slips into the waves of Kizimkazi bay.


Pools are one of our flagships. The main pool, which we love to define as “a sea in the sea” gives aunique relaxing sensation with its large lagoon area which is amongst the biggest on the island. Two additional pools with a hydromassage facility are for the exclusive use of the villa’s fortunate guests. Our Jungle SPA, wrapped up into the exuberant green of the surrounding nature, will increase thesensation of wellbeing induced by massages and treatments from our operators.  Treatment pavilions, one well equipped, air conditioned gym and a fascinating relaxation room are available to our guests.

The search for physical stead and psychophysical wellness will be fulfilled by a selection of physical activities.


One of the unique features that characterises the Fruit & Spice Wellness Resort is that all rooms enjoy breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean. The rooms are crafted by traditional artisans using the style of the makuti roof but offering every modern comfort inside. By using natural local building materials we have kept the landscape as original as possible, while at the same time, offering our guests a modern living space. 

Rooms for all tastes :


30 - Deluxe Rooms            


2 - Superior 
2 - Executive 
2 - Suite  


1 - Honeymoon Villa: 150 mq.  ( master bedroom + living room + private spa + private pool + private sunbathing area + private massage area )
2 - Luxury  Villa: 200 mq. (2 bedrooms + living room + kitchen + private pool with veranda + private massage area) 

Краткое описание

The ideal environment to spend a dream holiday, discovering what lies beyond the typical barriers imposed by our civilisation surrounding us every day, urging us and loading us with schedules, duties and responsibilities that sometimes we feel the need to run from.

Fruit & Spice Resort Zanzibar: blossoming like a flower in a tropical garden, standing out for how it integratesperfectly with the surrounding nature, from which it took its building materials.

  • КондиционерКондиционер
  • Семейный отельСемейный отель
  • Медовый месяцМедовый месяц
  • ИнтернетИнтернет
  • На пляжеНа пляже
  • БассейнБассейн
  • ДайвингДайвинг
  • СноркелингСноркелинг
  • Спортивная активностьСпортивная активность
  • СвадьбаСвадьба
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