One Day Trip to Millennium Village and Genocide Sites

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Your day-long tour will start from your Kigali accommodations or the airport shortly after breakfast.

You'll start your day with visits to the haunting Nyamata and Ntarama ima genocide memorials - sites of untold horror during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide that now stand as a testament to this dark period in the nation's past.

A visit to the tiny church at Ntarama is a truly haunting experience. More than 5,000 Tutsi sought shelter here and were savagely raped and murdered by the Hutu. Shredded and blood-stained clothing, bleached bones, and rotting toys stand as a testament to the savagery that took place here.

Nearby Nyamata is home to a larger church. Like Ntarama, Nyamata acted as both refuge and final resting place for some 45,000 people - many of whom were killed in and around the church and are now buried in a massive crypt behind it.

With a doubtlessly heavy heart, you’ll then proceed to the Reconciliation Village, where the perpetrators and victims of the 1994 Genocide live side by side as a part of the healing process. You’ll not only speak with these brave individuals but also learn about how they manage to co-exist despite their tortured pasts.

You'll return to Kigali in the evening.

Kratek pregled

For those wanting a window into the 1994 Genocide and the repercussions of the tragic event, a visit to the Millennium Village offers a window into both Rwanda’s past and present.

Your tour not only includes a visit to the haunting Nyamata and Ntaima massacre sites, but also a heart-warming and informative visit to the Reconciliation Village where perpetrators and victims are living side by side as part of the healing process.

  • KIGALI - MILLENNIUM VILLAGE Visit the Ntarama and Nyamata genocide sites. Visit the Reconciliation Village.

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