Nyungwe activities

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Podrobno o Nyungwe activities

  • Waterfall Walk

Enjoy a picturesque walk through Nyungwe National Park on this 3-4 hour round trip journey to a spectacular waterfall.

Along the way, you’ll get to see firsthand the park’s amazing variety of bird and plant life, and may even have the opportunity to see some of the park’s resident primates such as mountain monkeys and Colobus monkeys.

  • Canopy Walk

Take a ninety minute walk through the treetops on East Africa’s longest elevated walkway. You’ll get a bird’s eye view of the Nyungwe National Park and its diverse plant and animal life.

Suspended 65 metres above the forest floor, you’ll get stunning aerial views as well as an up close look at the park’s bird and butterfly life. If you’re lucky, you might even spot some of the park’s primates swinging from tree to tree.

  • Bird Watching

With over 300 species of bird life, Nyungwe National Park is a birder’s dream. With species ranging from the iconic turaco, the stunning regal sunbird, and the Rwenzori Bati. With a large number of species endemic to the Albertine Rift Valley, you’ll see birds only visible in this region of Africa.

  • Nature Walk – 7 different trails

Ranging in length from two hours all the way up to thirteen hours, each of Nyungwe’s nature walks boasts something different to see or do along the way.

Whether you take the Mahogany Trail and relax by a waterfall or the Irebero Trail for its stunning views of distant Lake Kivu, each of these trails is a distinct adventure.

  • Other Primates

While the park is most famous for its chimpanzee population, there are in fact 13 species of primates who dwell within the park.

You can also spot Colobus Monkeys, L’Hoest’s Monkeys, and the rare Owl-Faced Monkey within the park.

Colobus Monkeys can be seen while on a guided walk, while the other species can be spotted by the lucky explorer on one of the park’s wilder nature walks.

  • Tea Plantation & Factory Visit

Learn how tea makes it from the field to your cup with this half-day trip.

You’ll see how tea is picked and prepared for sale, learn about the different parts of the plant, and even get to sample a variety of locally grown and prepared teas.


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Enjoy a picturesque walk through Nyungwe National Park

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