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Podrobno o Lake Natron

Lake Natron is situated in northern Tanzania on the border with Kenya, close to the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

The lake is in the vicinity of Ol Doinyo Lengai, which is visible on the southern part. Lake Natron covers an area 56 km (35 miles) long and 24 km (15 miles) wide but the water level changes due to evaporation. The shallow and alkaline lake has different springs, the Ewaso Ng'iro River and different hot springs. The surface of Lake Natron, which has high salt, magnesite and sodium carbonate concentration, is covered with a pinkish-white soda crust.

The area around the lake offers different attractions such as a large number of volcanic implosion craters, numerous waterfalls and ravines with nesting places for Rüppell's Griffon Vultures. Among the most prominent attractions of Lake Natron is the Gelai Volcano, a 2,942 m (9,652 feet) high volcano in the southeastern part, and the archeological site of Peninj, where archeologists discovered the Peninj Mandible – the fossilized teeth of Australopithecus boisei.

Some of the activities at Lake Natron are swimming, a visit to Maasai boma or a simple trek to the Ngorongoro Crater Highlands with numerous craters.

The area has a beautiful wildlife

The lake is a breeding place for thousands of Rift Valley Flamingos. They build their nests using the soda flats between August and October. The flamingos of lake Natron feed with the lakes Spirulina algae. Because the flamingos use this area for breeding the lake and its surrounding is under the International concern for preservation. Other animals which inhabit this area are zebra, ostrich, fringed eared oryx, gazelle, gerenuk, lesser kudu and golden jackal.

Kratek pregled

Lake Natron is situated in northern Tanzania on the border with Kenya, close to the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The lake is in the vicinity of Ol Doinyo Lengai, which is visible on the southern part. Lake Natron covers an area 56 km (35 miles) long and 24 km (15 miles) wide but the water level changes due to evaporation.

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