Iby Iwacu Cultural Village Visit

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Podrobno o Iby Iwacu Cultural Village Visit

A project aimed at both improving the lives of reformed poachers and raising awareness of pre-Colonial Rwandan culture, the Iby Iwacu Cultural Village is a unique attraction in Rwanda - offering visitors the chance to interact with local people and learn more about their lives and their history.

No two visits to Iby Iwacu are the same, with a variety of activities available to visitors including:

  • Visiting a replica of the King's Palace, learning about its history, a nd taking on the mantle of King to try your hand at exercising power over your subjects.
  • Demonstrations of traditional dance and music.
  • Learn about traditional medicine with a local healer.
  • Guided visits to local clinics and pharmacies to speak with the elderly about the Colonial era.
  • Visit and even teach at a local school.
  • Learn how to cook local food and dine with the locals.
  • Learn how to brew the potent banana beer.
  • Practice traditional hunting techniques.
  • Learn how to make Batwa poetry.
  • Attend a local football match.

Even a brief visit can be an informative and entertaining one, with just a few hours needed to wander the Cultural Village on a guided tour as you learn about various facets of Rwandan life.

Kratek pregled

Located close to Volcanoes National Park and the town of Musanze, the Iby Iwacu Cultural Village is an enchanting cultural experience that has come from the ashes of Rwanda's infamous poaching culture.

Comprised of locals who once made their living poaching the country's beautiful mountain gorillas, the Iby Iwacu Cultural Village has rehabilitated these former criminals and also provided them with a way to support their community while also introducing visitors to the unique culture of pre-colonial Rwanda.

A visit to Iby Iwacu Cultural Village includes a variety of activities including traditional dance and music, learning about traditional medicines and foods, spending a day in the life of a Rwandan king, and a number of local activities such as village walks.

Depending on how much time you have, your visit to Iby Iwacu can be a few hours of cultural discovery all the way up to a full day experience in cultural immersion.

  • IBY IWACU CULTURAL VILLAGE Village tour. Optional activities.

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