Eland (Taurotragus oryx)
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- Eland (Taurotragus oryx)
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The largest living antelope along with the giant eland. Older bulls develop a large pendulous dewlap on the throat and a distinctive mat of fairly long, coarse dark hair on the forehead. A short dark mane runs down the back of the neck of both sexes.
Both carry shallowly spiraled horns, with those of the bull more robust and distinctly ridged along their length. Overall body colour is usually fawn or tawny, with forequarters in particular turning blue grey with age. Like the giant eland some white vertical striping may be present but not as pronounced.
They normally form herds of from 25 to 60 animals but on occasion congregations of 1000 or more individuals occur, particularly during the onset and through the course of rains. Their highly nomadic in most parts of their range but some populations appears to be more sedentary.
Home ranges are generally large, covering 1500 km square for mixed herds in one East African study but only 25 to 100 km square for the adults bulls.
The eland is a shy animal, and will escape in a hurry whenever it feels threatened.
Kratek pregled
Height: M 170 cm; F 145 cm
Weight: M 800 kg; F 480 kg
Active: Mainly diurnal
Habitat: Varied from open plains to mountains to semi desert
Food: Mainly leaves, fruit, also grass in summer