
There is so much to see and do in East Africa and so it can be hard to decide where to go. We’ve compiled a detailed list of parks, reserves, water bodies, mountains, and historical sites that can be found throughout Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya. See what catches your eye by scrolling down the list, and clicking on what takes your fancy. It might just help you narrow down what country (or country’s) to go to.

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  • The River Nile

    Few names conjure up images of exotic mystery quite as much as the River Nile. Commonly associated with Egypt, the Nile actually finds its birth here in Uganda - wi...

  • Queen Elizabeth National Park

    Queen Elizabeth National Park is Uganda's premier game drive destination, and is famed across Africa for its rolling plains and its wildlife diversity. Home to four...

  • Mount Elgon National Park

    Mount Elgon is a popular climbing destination in Uganda, while also offering limited game-viewing opportunities....

  • Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

    Like neighbouring Bwindi Impenetrable, Mgahinga is most known for its gorilla trekking, and is an alternative to those who perhaps cannot get a permit for Bwindi Impenetrab...

  • Lake Mburo National Park

    Located close to Kampala as well as Bwindi Impenetrable and Queen Elizabeth National Parks, Lake Mburo is a popular playground where activities that are often forbidden wit...

  • Kidepo Valley National Park

    Isolated in Uganda’s north-eastern corner, the Kidepo Valley National Park offers world-class game-viewing enhanced by the fact it’s so far from the tourist cro...

  • Kibale National Park

    Kibale National Park is one of the best safari destinations in Africa for chimpanzee trekking. It is the most reliable spot to see chimpanzees in their natural habitat....

  • Jezero Kivu

    Po Jezero Kivu, ki se nahaja na meji med Demokratično republiko Kongo in Ruando je eno izmednajvečjih Afriških jezer. Izteka se v reku Ruzizi, ki teče južno proti je...

  • Olduvai Gorge

    Located roughly halfway between Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater, Olduvai Gorge is one of the most significant palaeontological sites in the world – showing evidence of inhab...

  • Lake Tanganyika

    The oldest of the African Rift lakes was formed around twenty million years ago with tectonic movements of the East African Rift Valley. Lake Tanganyika is fed by different ri...

  • Lake Eyasi

    Home to the Hadzabe bushmen, Lake Eyasi is one of the few places remaining in Africa where tribal life is still maintained relatively untouched by the development of the re...

  • Lake Victoria

    Lake Victoria has three island shores which are worth a visit, Ukrewe, Rubondo and Ukara island. The lake and the surrounding offers several tourist activities such as, fishin...

  • Lake Natron

    Lake Natron is situated in northern Tanzania on the border with Kenya, close to the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The lake is in the vicinity o...

  • Rwenzori Mountains National Park

    Situated on the Uganda-Congo border, Rwenzori Mountains National Park is believed to be home to the fabled 'Mountains of the Moon'. Whether there's truth to this belief or ...

  • Semuliki National Park

    One of the richest areas of floral and faunal diversity in all of Africa, tiny Semuliki National Park packs a lot into a small package. ...

  • Narodni park Ruaha

    Narodni park Ruaha vam ponuja fantastično možnost za opazovanje divjih živali ter je raj za vse, ki bi radi opazovali slone in ptice. Izjemno edins...

  • Jinja

    Jinja has two claims to fame, as it is both the source of the River Nile and the adventure travel capital of East Africa. Whether you're looking to see where the Ni...

  • Narodni park Ruaha

    Narodni park Ruaha vam ponuja fantastično možnost za opazovanje divjih živali ter je raj za vse, ki bi radi opazovali slone in ptice. Izjemno edins...

  • Narodni park Ruaha

    Narodni park Ruaha vam ponuja fantastično možnost za opazovanje divjih živali ter je raj za vse, ki bi radi opazovali slone in ptice. Izjemno edins...

  • Narodni park Ruaha

    Narodni park Ruaha vam ponuja fantastično možnost za opazovanje divjih živali ter je raj za vse, ki bi radi opazovali slone in ptice. Izjemno edins...

  • Lake Edward

    The smallest of Africa’s Great Lakes, Lake Edward and nearby Lake George are most famous for their role in the popular Kazinga Channel - where thousands take pleasure cruise...

  • Rwenzori Mountains

    Believed by many to be the legendary Mountains of the Moon as spoken of in ancient texts, the Rwenzori Mountains in Rwenzori National Park is one of the most beautiful clim...

  • Mount Elgon

    The oldest extinct volcano in Africa, towering Mount Elgon is located within the national park that shares its name, and is a popular hiking destination....

  • Fort Portal

    Located just north of the sprawling Kibale National Park, Fort Portal is a popular pit stop along the way to the chimpanzee trekking haven....

  • Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary

    Owned and operated by the Chimpanzee Trust, the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary is an orphanage for nearly fifty orphaned chimpanzees who are now cared for and studied b...

  • Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

    While both the black and white rhinoceros are extinct in the wild in Uganda, the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is the proud home of Uganda’s only rhinoceros....

  • Gaddafi National Mosque

    Voted by TripAdvisor as the #1 thing to do in Kampala, the beautiful Gaddafi Mosque (sometimes known as the Ugandan National Mosque) is a massive religious structure capabl...

  • Entebbe

    Uganda’s coastal playground, quaint Entebbe is a wonderfully green and serene waterside escape. Serviced by an international airport, Entebbe is a common starting or fini...

  • Mount Kenija

    Mount Kenija ni le en sam vrh; je masiv, sestavljen iz množice zvončkov, pečin, zapletenih grebenov in vrhov. To so prepereli ostanki velikega ugaslega vulkana, ki je de...

  • The Ngorongoro Crater Highlands

    Ngorongoro Crater has the rich wildlife and a large natural diversity. The area is not a national park but a conversation area since the local Maasai tribes live here in tradi...

  • The Empakaai Crater - Ngorongoro Crater Highlands

    From the The Empakaai Crater you can see Oldonio Lengai, Mount Kilimanjaro and the Great Rift Valley from the Crater's rim. Walking down the crater you can also have magnifice...

  • Narodni park Hells Gate

    Narodni park Hells Gate je idealna destinacija za enodnevni izlet, postanek s šotorom ali piknik izven Nairobija. Park se ponaša z neskončno bioraznolikostjo in je resnič...

  • Narodni park Aberdares

    Aberdares je megličasto močvirje, kjer sloni lomastijo skozi goščavo in kjer spektakularni slapovi grmijo globoko v s postrvmi bogato vodovje pod njimi. V parku dva vrh...

  • Narodni park Katavi

    Narodni park Katavi je izolirani park za turiste, ki iščete in želite spoznati pravo divjino. Redkim obiskovalcem, ki ga obiščejo ponuja okus prave divjine z velikim šte...

  • Narodni park Mahale Mountains

    Narodni park Mahale Mountains je eden izmed najlepših parkov na afriški celini. Ponuja vam nekaj najboljših znamenitosti; od peš safarijev in opazovanja šimpanzov do vzpo...

  • Narodni park Rubondo Island

    Obiščite edini otok na Viktorij jezeru Victoria! 240 km² veliki otok, ki mu pravimo tudi »Viktorijin biser«, se ponaša z enkratno raznolikostjo flore in favne. Samo tuka...

  • Narodni park Kitulo

    Narodni park Kitulo, ki je eno izmed najpomembnejših povodji mogočne reke Ruaha, je v svetu poznan predvsem po svoji pomembnosti za floro. V parku lahko vidite razl...

  • Narodni park Mkomazi

    V Narodnem parku Mkomazi lahko opazujete tako veliko, kot tudi male sesalce. Med njimi najdete divje mačke, šakale, leve, geparde, leoparde, žirafe, hijene, svinje bradavi...

  • Narodni park Saadani

    Obiščite kraj, kjer se srečata Indijski ocean in vzhodno-afriška podrast. Sorazmerno nepoznan park je edino zatočišče za divje živali v vzhodni Afriki, ki meji na T...

  • Narodni park Gombe stream

    Nacionalni park Gombe Stream je enkraten prostor za opazovanje šimpanzov od blizu, hkrati pa zelo oseben, saj je večina opičjih družin navajena na človeka. Tako pristne i...

  • Narodni park Udzungwa Mountains

    Narodni park Udzungwa je raj za vse ljubitelje ptic, rož in primatov ter predstavlja eno izmed najpomembnejših zatočišč biotske razno...

  • Narodni park Arusha

    Zaradi kratke oddaljenosti od Arushe in Moshija je Narodni park Arusha popoln za enodnevne safarije. Raznolika pokrajina sega od odprte savane do deževnega gozda. Park le...

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