The Ngorongoro Crater Highlands

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A trek in these areas is guaranteed to give you an amazing experience.

Safari for the adventurous trekkers

Ngorongoro highlands is the safari for the adventurous trekkers looking for that once in a lifetime experience in the heart of Massai land. You will be walking pass the Massai villages and houses, learning more about the Massai traditions, culture and how they live. The scenery of the Ngorongoro Crater Highlands is full of different wildlife species, woodlands, grassland full with bushes and water springs.

Thousands upon thousands of flamingos

Thousands upon thousands of flamingos in Lake Natron is guaranteed to astonish even the experienced safari fanatic. Grazing Buffaloes, Impala and Thompson's Gazelle in Embakai crater, the many different species of birds and the ever present views of the mountains, valleys, crater and river gorges will blow your mind so bring your largest memory card for your camera.

Trekking through the Crater Highlands is not as strenuous as climbing Kilimanjaro or Mt Meru, a lot of uphill and downhill walking but no dramatic altitude changes so it should be pleasant. You will walk all the way to the Massai people’s holy mountain Ol Donyo Lengai, "The Mountain of God". You shouldn't worry about your luggage since you will carry only a light daypack, the rest of your luggage will carried by porters and donkeys.

The safari ends with a night ascent to the active volcano Ol Donyo Lengai, a holy mountain for the Massai people, for a fantastic sunrise view of distant Kilimanjaro from the top. On the safari you will mostly be walking but some of the distances you will be driving. This is because the distance is to great to cover in just five days. Your car will stay with you the whole time for security reasons. If you or someone else in your group becomes sick it is crucial that we are able to drive you to a hospital as quickly as possible.


Ngorongoro Crater was formed millions of years ago through a volcanic activity. This volcanic activity formed 7 volcanic craters in northern Tanzania, the Great Rift Valley and many soda lakes. Among the volcanoes on this area you can seee Mount Lolmalasin (3,290 m), Mount Oldeani (3,217 m) and Mount Makarot (3,133 m covers a bigger area than the Ngorongor Crater which has a richer wildlife but the Ngorongoro Crater Highlands has a larger natural diversity.

The area is not a national park but a conversation area since the local Maasai tribes live here in traditional houses, villages and bomas with their cattle. Further the archeological sites on this area show that this place has been inhabited since the pre-historical times. Dr. Lois and Mary Leakey discovered the skulls of “Handy Man” (Homo Habilis) and “Nutcracker Man” (Australopithecus Boisei) in this area.

Kratek pregled

Ngorongoro Crater has the rich wildlife and a large natural diversity. The area is not a national park but a conversation area since the local Maasai tribes live here in traditional houses, villages and bomas with their cattle. Further the archeological sites on this area show that this place has been inhabited since the pre-historical times.

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