Zbrali smo nekaj slik s safarijev v Tanzaniji, Ruandi in Keniji. V kolikor smo vzbudili vaše zanimanje za safari v Tanzaniji ali kje drugje, obiščite našo čudovito stran, kjer boste našli vse informacije o safarijih, kakor tudi o počitnicah na Zanzibarju. Vsekakor redno dodajamo nove programe in v letu 2014 pripravljamo novo destinacijio, ki za enkrat še ostaja skrivnost:)
Top Fotografije s Safarijev 2013
by Vika
Januar 2, 2014
Vas zanima Afriski safari ?
Kontaktirajte enega izmed nasih safari strokonjakov in pripravili vam bomo potovanje po meri !

Three Day Fly-In Serengeti Safari
If you're pressed for time and the Serengeti is your priority, why not cut out the driving and fly directly to the world-famous National Park? A three-day fly-in safari lets y...
Two Day Safari to Tarangire and Ngorongoro
For those pressed for time, this two day/one night safari packs in two of Tanzania's most beloved national parks. You'll have the chance to see the Big Five and plenty more...
Three Day Maasai Mara Flying Safari
If time is tight but you don't want to miss any of the beauty that the Maasai Mara has to offer, then a fly-in safari might be perfect for you. Flying from Na...
Ten Day Sun and Sand Safari
Enjoy the very best of Kenyas national parks and beaches on this unforgettable itinerary. You'll first go on an exciting wilderness safari before flying to the Kenyan...
Six Day Kenyan Bush Adventure
For the adventurous at heart, our African Bush Adventure Safari packs in a mixture of game-viewing and outdoor adrenaline as you pay visits to the Maasai Mara, Amboseli Nat...
Eight Day Best of Kenya Safari
Witness the majesty of the world-famous Wildebeest Migration on the Masai Mara, see the sun rise over Kilimanjaro in Ambosel National Park, look for black and white rhinoce...