Однодневный тур на мыс Вайнленд
Краткое описание
Отдохните от городской суеты, совершив однодневную экскурсию по живописным винодельческим районам Кейптауна, где вы сможете посетить три погреба и попробовать некоторые из вин that put South African wine on the map.
Along the way, you'll also enjoy the quaint atmosphere of Stellenbosch and other winemaking communities.
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You'll be picked up bright and early from your Cape Town accommodation and set out for your full-day exploration of the Winelands.
Your first stop is the beautiful town of Stellenbosch, where you'll enjoy your first cellar tour, complete with a sampling of locally produced wines and cheeses. You'll also have time to wander historic Dorp Street, where you'll spot many examples of Dutch and British Colonial architecture.
You'll next proceed to Paarl, where you'll pass by a bronze statue of Nelson Mandela to commemorate his famous walk to freedom. While in Paarl, you'll visit another winery for a little more of that famous South African wine.
The French style of Franschhoek is our next stop, where we'll visit our third and final cellar door for another taste of South African wine. Franschhoek is renowned as South Africa's food and wine capital, and you'll have plenty of time to explore the town at your leisure and sate your appetite.
Once the day's drinking and exploration is done, you'll return to Cape Town.