Winery tours and wine tasting around Cape Town

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Numerous options are available, each and everyone will give you plenty of possibilities for tasting and learning about the history, geology, climatic conditions and other reasons that make South African wine so popular.

Usually, tours are am, pm, or take the whole day. Choose the number of estates you want to visit and the samples you want to taste. Have a tasty lunch and a bottle of your choice included.

South Africa The Winelands


Enjoy a cellar visit and wine tastings at award-winning wine cellars and learn everything about your favourite wine, from the vineyard to the bottle!

The Cape Wine Route is a triangle formed by the towns of Stellenbosch, Paarl and Franschhoek. Stellenbosch is a charming old town with historic buildings and mogočnimi oak tree avenues. French Huguenots, who planted the first quality vineyards in 1685, gave name to Franschhoek. The town of Paarl has been a centre of African culture since the 19th century. In the wineries along the way, you'll taste wine and some cheeses.

South Africa The Winelands

Whether you choose a charming Hop-on hop-off wine tram in Franschhoek valley, take an am or pm e-bike tour, or decide to indulge for a whole day on Cape Winelands' oenologist guided bus tour, we have a suggestion for you – don't taste too much of wine the day before!

Kratek pregled

Well renowned for a reason, sweet South African wine reached every continent. Ruby delights enriched numerous meals, aromatic golden blisses made countless nights euphoric. While visiting Cape Town, don't miss a tasting of the virgin new wine and some archival wine. It won't be 300 years old - it's for that long that they cultivate vine here - but we promise, it will taste majestic.

Bun not just your taste buds, all your senses will be intrigued! Breathtaking looks over lush vineyards for as far as the eye can see, mesmerizing scents and hospitable people will enchant you!

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