Weru Weru River Lodge

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Podrobno o Weru Weru River Lodge


    • 32 Spacious & Immaculate Rooms provide quality, comfort and tranquility:
      Each suite includes two twin beds (which can be combined onto one double bed), wide sitting area, luxurious bathroom feature recycled dhow wood furniture, mini fridge, telephone, writing desk, walk in closet, air conditioning and balcony.
    • The Main Restaurant Offers an inviting and relaxing atmosphere for breakfast, lunch or dinner featuring regional favorites accompanied by true African hospitality.
    • 2 Conference Halls The Big Conference Hall (MAWENZI) accommodates up to 200 guests in a theatre sitting style and the Small Conference Hall can hold up to 30 guests. Special offers for the conference halls are tea breaks with snacks and lunch breaks, two bottles of mineral water for each individual together with a flip chart and marker pens.
    • UHURU Coffee Lounge This lounge offers good views of the surrounding coffee plantations and of Mt. Kilimanjaro on a clear day. We serve a variety of coffees. Great place to view the sunrise and sunset. The lounge has a stationed KATADYN filtering machine which supplies clean drinking water for mountain climbers and tour guests.
    • BARRANCO Bar Ideally located on the ground floor of the main building, the bar is surrounded by wide open spaces and manicured lawns which blend into their surroundings, close to the swimming pool and dining area. There is a fire pit near the bar for those who want to sit around a bon fire and have a drink.
    • Campsite A total of 150 tents (300 pax) can be pitched on the camping ground. Camping includes an ample mess space, hot showers, toilets, free wireless internet plus 24hrs security.
    • Curio Shop Full and well equipped store which displays various goods of standard traditional African art.
  • Our full service property also offers laundry service and a secure parking field that can accommodate large number of vehicles.

Kratek pregled

Weru Weru River Lodge is named after a river flowing from the glacial melt of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The lodge is located in the 2-bridge area, 10 km outside Moshi town. Surrounded by a coffee estate to the north, the lodge offers tranquility and beautiful views of Mt. Kilimanjaro. This all-inclusive property features a welcoming reception along with 32 suites fused with traditional wood log architecture and elegant décor in a unique gorgeous resort setting. Designed to complement the surrounding environment, the lodge blends all the comforts of home with the best of Tanzania's famous hospitality and style.

  • InternetInternet
  • Zunaj narodnega parkaZunaj narodnega parka
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