The Rock restaurant

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Podrobno o The Rock restaurant

Located in front of Michamvi Pingwe beach on the south-east coast of the island, the Rock sits on a rock. It promises a unique dining experience with all-natural, fresh, and passionately prepared food.

A charming, exclusive restaurant that instantly became one of the icons of Zanzibar is

decorated in a simple, local island style. The Rock specializes in seafood and local tastes, and it plays an important role in local fishermen and farmers' lives, especially those from the nearby village Michamvi, as the restaurant's needs directly benefit their community.

The Rock is committed to having a minimal environmental impact, so from having the idea for the restaurant on the rock to serving your exclusive meal they strive to be as environmentally conscious as possible.

They are welcoming couples and groups of up to 20, reservations are obligatory.

An open-air terrace, offering that romantic evening under the African stars by night, skies by day, with panoramic seascapes is available for pre and post-meal drinks.

The Rock is an ideal location for special events and can be reserved for private parties.

Although in the sea, it can be reached on foot at low tide, at high tide you'll be transferred with a boat. And, if you wish to boost the romance, use the complimentary boat ride in the surroundings of the rock.


The Rock restaurant

Our advice:

The Rock is not for everyone, it is a special restaurant with excellent food, too small to cater to fast food tastes and budgets.

Kratek pregled

Sitting in the waters of the Indian Ocean, just a shot from the shore there is this rock. Technically, it's an island, but truly it's just a rock. And on top of it the Rock. A charming, exclusive restaurant that instantly became one of the icons of Zanzibar.

Decorated in a simple, local island style, the restaurant specializes in seafood and local tastes, easily meeting high international standards.

They are welcoming couples and groups of up to 20, reservations are obligatory. Are you visiting on a special occasion? The Rock is ideal and can be reserved for private events.

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