Serengeti Savannah Camps Ndutu Area

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Podrobno o Serengeti Savannah Camps Ndutu Area

Ndutu is located well within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area but right on the door step of the vast Serengeti National Park, Lake Ndutu, and its smaller sister lake, Masek, sit at the head of the world renowned Olduvai Gorge. Olduvai Gorge cuts through rock beds layered in time sequence from 2 million years ago to the present. It is here where humanoid bones have been found dating back to over 1.75 million years including a direct ancestor of modern man. Fossil footprints have also been found here and are the most ancient footprints yet discovered. There is an excellent site museum where you can explore the diggings with a guide and it is also a great place to view birds. Lake Ndutu and Lake Masek form shallow basins where water accumulates from the nearby areas of slightly higher altitude. The water in both lakes is extremely saline (also called soda lakes), too saline for human consumption. The Ndutu area becomes alive with animals during the migration because it is surrounded by the Ndutu woodlands and the Short Grass Plains? which provide ample cover and food.

All our tents are custom made walk in tents using heavy duty canvas ensure a spacious ‘room’ complete with en-suite bathrooms. Tents are tastefully appointed with twin or double beds, crisp linen, warm blankets or duvets, bedside tables, wardrobes and luggage racks make your tent a true ‘home away from home’. Lighting is provided by solar power and your bathroom comes complete with a dressing table with fully plumbed washbasin, lavatory and showers – a new, and often surprising, interpretation of ‘camping’. Hot water is available throughout the day and evening and, like your laundry, morning tea or in fact your every need will be arranged by your Butler allowing for a refreshing wash, shower or maybe a shave on the verandah of your tent.

Kratek pregled

The best and most likely time to see huge numbers of wildebeest is from December through March when they give birth to their young. During this time Savannah Camp is located in Ndutu Area.

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Načrtujmo vaše potovanje v Serengeti Savannah Camps Ndutu Area
Eden od naših strokovnjakov za safari vas bo poklical v roku 24 ur.

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