Sarova Shaba Game Lodge

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94 modern rooms in chalet style with a private views of the wildlife-rich banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River.

Each room overlooks the river where the elephants sometimes make an appearance or the crocodiles come out to lounge by the river’s banks.

offers a unique experience that extends beyond game drives in the reserve. The lodge has a plethora of activities to indulge in, from bird watching to camel safaris, the viewing deck along the river, and feeding and watching crocodiles, making it a destination in itself.

All chalet style rooms and suites at Sarova Shaba Game Lodge have:

  • private balconies with close views of the river and game park,
  • ensuite bathrooms with permanent showers and WC,
  • running hot and cold water,
  • razor outlets with 220 and 240 volts,
  • beds with mosquito nets and duvets,
  • overhead fans,
  • tea and coffee making facilities.

Presidential Suite

Sarova Shaba Game Lodge has one tastefully furnished presidential suite that also encapsulates the Samburu culture in its interior décor. Situated amongst natural springs and lily pools, the suite is a stand-alone unit with a large bedroom, living and dining area and a vast bathroom with a private Jacuzzi. This suite embodies the history of Joy Adamson and is named the "Born Free Suite".

Executive Suites

Are you looking for luxury in the midst of the wild in this oasis of calm and serene demeanor? Sarova Shaba Game Lodge has four executive suites with an elaborate lounge that opens into a large bedroom with breathtaking views of the Ewaso Nyiro River.

Standard Rooms

These eighty chalet style rooms are across two storeys, four rooms to a block, and are designed to incorporate intricate detail, offering amazing views of the Ewaso Nyiro River and the numerous live springs that run across the lodge. The ground floor rooms are suitable for persons with limited mobility.

Kratek pregled

In the middle of this desert of volcanic earth lies Sarova Shaba Game Lodge; Kenya's best kept secret. Built in an oasis around the natural terrain of this breathtaking volcanic desert, the Lodge is attractively laid out with chalet style rooms overlooking the Ewaso Nyiro River.

Sarova Shaba Game Lodge has one tastefully furnished presidential suite that also encapsulates the Samburu culture in its interior décor. Situated amongst natural springs and lily pools, the suite is a stand-alone unit with a large bedroom, living and dining area and a vast bathroom with a private Jacuzzi. This suite embodies the history of Joy Adamson and is named the "Born Free Suite".

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