Sarova Mara Game Camp

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All tents are built with spectacular views. Large wooden decks with a comfortable day bed, chairs and table offer a tranquil and relaxing retreat while you listen to the natural sounds of nature.

Club Tents
Sarova Mara superior tents are the club tents. The twenty tents offer breathtaking views of the Mara plains, and are luxurious and extremely spacious, decorated in whites and soothing earthy colors with large beds, loungers, wardrobes and a desk. Bathrooms are appointed with his and her sinks and a bath in addition to the shower. Club tents have glass panel doors and a deck outside for game viewing and private dining.

Standard Tents
The 50 standard tents are large and comfortable, tastefully furnished with double and twin beds, wardrobes, writing desk and safari chairs.


Weddings are held at the landscaped greens, at the Isokon Maasai Cultural Village with a Maasai Moran or Maasai elder blessing the marriage - or for the more adventurous - many feet above ground in a hot air balloon!

The camp is fully geared to take up all the arrangements so that guests can truly enjoy themselves without worrying about the details.

These include: venue decoration using traditional Maasai fabrics, beads and handicraft, flowers, music and dance, sparkling wine, and tiered cake, bush dinner with traditional dancers and photography.

The Camp also has a mini spa to indulge the couple. The marriage license, certificate and registration are also taken care of.

Kratek pregled

Sarova Mara Game Camp is also the ideal choice for those seeking a richer experience of the Maasai Mara that goes much beyond just game drives. By virtue of its location and layout, the Camp offers an unparalleled plethora of activities and experiences from luxury tented living to bird-watching, mini golf, sport fishing and a unique insight into the Maasai culture at the adjoining Maasai village.

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