Sahari Zanzibar

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Podrobno o Sahari Zanzibar

The entire hotel is decorated in typical African style with coconut wood, rooms with canopy beds and furniture masonry will make you feel immersed in the culture of the island, without neglecting the comfort given also by the high quality materials used for the sheets and towels . Everything is handmade and designed specifically to ensure harmony to the rooms. The hotel has 12 standard rooms, 11 of them with double bed and one with two single beds, and in all there is a sofa that can easily turn into a bed for children. The height and architecture of the resort allows you to enjoy the sea view and keep the environment cool and breezy even in the hottest days.

The hotel has a restaurant run by qualified staff, which serves international cuisine, European cuisine and Swahili. A bar where you can sip a cocktail, fruit juice and South African wines and European. Everything at your disposal at any time of the day, whenever you want it.


We assure you a real dive into the culture of the island with the structure and the decor of the hotel. The use of coconut wood, combined with furniture in masonry with four-poster beds and colorful fabrics and precious will make you fall in love with your accommodations and common areas. Everything was handmade and designed specifically to ensure harmony and peace. The hotel has 12 standard rooms, 11 of them with double bed and one with 2 single beds, and in all there is a sofa that can easily turn into a bed for children. The height and architecture of the resort can enjoy the sea view and to keep the environment cool and breezy even in the hottest days.

Kratek pregled

The Sahari Resort is located in an exclusive location, where nature and the pristine ocean have dominance. Built near the fishing village of Bwejuu, on the east coast of Zanzibar, is 50 km from the city of Stone Town. The Hotel is located in a palm grove, full of tropical flowers, and directly overlooking the ocean with its restaurant and bar. The restaurant combines the Italian traditions to local recipes, with influences of Indian and Japanese: every day you can enjoy fresh seafood such as lobster, shrimp, squid and slipper lobster accompanied by the freshness and flavor of salads and tropical fruit.

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