The Royal Zanzibar Beach Resort

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The Royal Zanzibar is intended as a place of indulgence, and so it is. Located directly on the Beachfront,

  • 16 suites, each measuring approximately 100sq meters, face west to catch the amber rays of the fading day. The spectacular sunset views are just the finishing touch…
  • The quiet, split style Air Conditioner affords acclimatization.
    • Brew a pot of tea or coffee or help yourself to a cold drink from the mini fridge to relax and unwind.
    • An oasis of calm and refuge is to be found whether enjoying the large balcony outside, or the seating area in your suite.
    • Old habits die hard but don't worry, a plasma screen TV with satellite channels and a DVD player are a touch button away…
    • Your laptop has a direct internet connection in each room (cable required) and may be locked away in the electronic safe together with your valuables when you’re not sending photos to your family and friends, telling them “wish you were here…”
    • Direct dial telephone.
    • One king-sized bed or two queen-sized beds are draped with meters upon meters of filmy mosquito netting to ensure your nights have all the romance of the tropics and are worry-free.
    • A hairdryer can be found in the expansive bathroom, with its double bathtub and modern, walk in shower, WC and bidet.
    • There is a special shaving socket in the bathroom - Electric current 220 Volts AC
    • You might want to step on the bathroom scale when you arrive, but we sincerely advise you to ignore it upon departure!
    • You will find laundry bags and an umbrella in the wardrobe.


From an elegant beach ceremony to an exclusive dinner under the stars for an unforgettable evening.

  • Marriage Certificate & Officiate T
  • ropical Bridal Bouquet Matching Tropical Boutonniere
  • 1 Bottle Sparkling Wine
  • 6 Inch Sponge Wedding Cake
  • 2 Hour Photographer (Print & CD)
  • Wedding Coordinator & Witness Ceremony
  • Set up 3 Course Grilled Dinner Menu on the Beach

Kratek pregled

The Royal Zanzibar Beach Resort is almost 20 acres of paradise located on the North Shores of exotic Zanzibar, just outside the town of Nungwi, an area that enjoys warm and sunny weather almost year ‘round.

  • KlimatiziranoKlimatizirano
  • Veliko letoviščeVeliko letovišče
  • Za družineZa družine
  • Medeni tedniMedeni tedni
  • InternetInternet
  • Na plažiNa plaži
  • BazenBazen
  • PotapljanjePotapljanje
  • SnorklanjeSnorklanje
  • PorokePoroke
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