Masek Under Canvas Luxury Tented Camp

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Podrobno o Masek Under Canvas Luxury Tented Camp

This seasonal camp is intimate and exclusive, offering the most spacious safari tents, each with double bed, en suite bathroom, separate portable WC and a bucket shower.


Only ten tents at the campsite. Enjoy the exclusivity of absolute comfort combined with the authenticity of nights spent in the African bush. An extraordinary experience for all nature lovers.

All tents have large kings size beds or twin beds
•Each tent has bucket shower, hand basin and flush toilet
•Lighting supplied by solar energy
•Mess Tent for meals
•Lounge Tent
•Accommodation fully inclusive of all meals and beverages.


Masek Under Canvas from December to March is located in the shores of Lake Masek, in Ndutu, situated between the vast plains of the Serengeti National Park and the northwest side of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

The camp allows guests to be “ there” just where the action is during the months of the Migration in Southern Serengeti. Where guests can enjoy the most beautiful African landscapes, the fragrance of the wild and the noises of the nights.

From 1 st December to the 31 st March.


Bush breakfasts & sundowners:
Breakfasts and/or cocktails can be arranged in private areas of the park upon request.

Visit Olduvai Archeological site:
The camp is located one-hour drive from this important archeological site where the Leakeys made important archeological discoveries. This is a visit that should not be missed.

Visit Laetoli Archeological site:
Visit the area where footprints of two Australopithecus afarensis were discovered in 1974-1975 by Mary Leakey and demonstrate that 3.6 million years ago early humans walked upright on two legs.

Balloon safari:
During the migration season balloon safaris can be arranged.

Honeymoon specials:
Let us make your honeymoon something really special.

Kratek pregled

Nestling between the prime wildlife areas of central and southern Serengeti. The area is witness of the Great Migration from December to March.
This luxurious tented camp enables guests to be within reach of the Great Migration and to explore remote, beautiful corners of the Serengeti with excellent resident game.

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