One Day Kigali City Tour

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Podrobno o One Day Kigali City Tour

Your full day Kigali city tour covers some of the most historically and culturally significant sites in the Rwandan capital. The exact order of your tour will depend upon your start time, but your tour will include the following activities:

Natural History Museum

Formerly known as the Kandt House, the Natural History Museum was built by German explorer, Richard Kandt. The building itself has special significance as the first modern house built in what is today Rwanda.

This historic home is home to an exhibition that aims to document the natural beauty of Rwanda from its geology all the way to its flora and fauna.

There is also an attached snake exhibition in which visitors can see some of Rwanda's slithering residents up close.

Genocide Memorial

No visit to Rwanda would be complete without paying a visit to the heart-wrenching Genocide Memorial. Part heartfelt tribute and part educational experience, this memorial recounts the tale of the infamous 1994 Rwandan Genocide, discusses the work being done to heal the country today, and offers a window into the people whose lives were irreversibly changed by the Genocide.

Campaign against Genocide museum

This museum gives visitors an overview of  the role of  the RPF in brining an end to the horrific genocide of the Tutsi population in Rwanda. The museum is based on the Parliament House that accommodated 600 RPF soldier when the genocide started – making this a poignant place to learn more about their role in ending the brutalities.

Craft Market

The Kigali Craft Markets are an excellent way to familiarize yourself with traditional Rwandan arts and crafts, as well as being a great place to do some souvenir shopping.

Food Market

See how the locals buy and sell their food at one of the city's bustling food markets.

With many Rwandan families not owning refrigerators, locals often shop twice a day for the food they'll need.

You'll walk through the markets to experience the sights and sounds.

Mille Collines Hotel (Hotel Rwanda)

If you're feeling peckish, your Kigali city tour includes a stop at the historic 'Hotel Rwanda'.

Still a classy hotel to this day, the Mille Collines Hotel can be included on your tour for tea or coffee, a cold drink, or a delicious buffet lunch.


Kratek pregled

The Rwandan capital is a green and bustling city. A dynamic, cosmopolitan metropolis that has emerged from its dark history to become one of Africa's fastest growing economies.

For those wanting to learn more about the fascinating history of Rwanda, our full day city tour covers its past, present, and future.

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