Ibis Abu Dhabi Gate

Podroben opis

Podrobno o Ibis Abu Dhabi Gate

List of Rooms:

  • Standard Double Room 
  • Equipped with the new Sweet Bed by ibis bedding, the new ibis room offers the ultimate in comfort: cozy bed, desk, internet, parquet flooring, LCD flat screen TV with all the best channels and a bathroom with shower or bathtub.
  • Standard Twin Room 
    Equipped with the new Sweet Bed by ibis bedding, the new ibis room offers the ultimate in comfort: large double bed, desk, internet, parquet flooring, LCD flat screen TV with all the best channels and a bathroom with shower or bathtub.
  • One Bedroom Apartment 2 Adults 
    Equipped with the new Sweet Bed by ibis bedding, the new ibis room offers the ultimate in comfort: two cozy beds, desk, internet, parquet flooring, LCD flat screen TV with all the best channels and a bathroom with shower or bathtub.
  • One Bedroom Apartment 3 Adults 
    Equipped with the new Sweet Bed by ibis bedding, the new ibis room offers the ultimate in comfort: 1 large double bed, 1 single bed, desk, internet, parquet flooring, LCD flat screen TV, all the best channels and a bathroom with shower or bathtub.
  •  Best price guarantee
  • Lowest prices found over the following seven days. 
    These prices may be based on different room types. Depending on the country, these prices may not include taxes, may include VAT only or may include all taxes (VAT and city tax). When prices do not include all taxes, the relevant taxes (VAT and/or city tax) will be stated in the following stages of the reservation process. The price is only guaranteed at the time of reservation. 


Kratek pregled

Standing 20 floors tall overlooking the Creek, this 3-star hotel is conveniently located in the quiet area of Al Maqtaa. The hotel is 15 minutes from downtown and close to all major business hubs and key leisure attraction of Abu Dhabi. Close to Abu Dhabi Airport, Exhibition Center, Yas Island and the highway to Dubai, the hotel features many innovations like online check-in and Accor Press. The hotel offers charged Airport pick-up, free WIFI, free indoor parking and valet service.

  • KlimatiziranoKlimatizirano
  • Za družineZa družine
  • InternetInternet
  • Športne aktivnostiŠportne aktivnosti
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