Hakuna Matata Beach Lodge & Spa

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Podrobno o Hakuna Matata Beach Lodge & Spa


13 bungalows and 1 Villa provide you with plenty of privacy. They are fondly furnished in an African style that offers high levels of comfort.

  • 6 Comfort Bungalows

Arusha 1+2, Kilimanjaro 1+2 and Zambezi 1+2.

Each bungalow has a living/bedroom with a king size bed. The spacious bath/dressing room has a shower and a washing basin /table with plenty of space.
In the bathroom of Zambezi and Arusha there is a separate toilet. From the terrace you can see the broad expanse of the Indian Ocean.

  • The Standard Twin bungalow

Tanga has two rooms - bedroom, living room with additional single bed, and a small bathroom with toilet/shower, It´s the perfect bungalow for people who like to sleep apart. Of course the bungalow Tanga also has a nice terrace with ocean view.

  • The Luxury Bungalows

Bagamoyo 1 and 2 are more spacious with an extra king size bed and a big a living/bedroom. The toilet and the spacious comfortable living area are separated. An additional single bed invites for an afternoon nap and is suitable
as a sleeping place for a third person. You are invited to order a sundowner to your private terrace.

  • 3 Executive Bungalows

Serengeti I + II and Tabora offer a bedroom with a queen size bed, a big tastefully decorated living room, and a bathroom with shower and toilet. In the living room of these bungalows we integrated 2 additional couch beds (190 cm x 90 cm) – perfect to relax, to sleep apart or for families with kids.
The exceptional ocean view invites you again and again to stay and relax.
The Honeymoon Suite “Kilwa” is our highlight bungalow. Spacious living/bedroom with super king size bed, generous bathroom with shower and a separate toilet – all in a unique African ambiance.
The unique and very private terrace is built around a huge almond tree above the sea. Have you ever taken a bath facing the Indian Ocean? Order two glasses of champagne, glide in the tub and relax - there is no better place for lovers ....

  • Villa Zanzibar

The Villa is furnished in style -comfortable sofas -a craftmensship work of old Zanziabar Dhows - invite you to relax, read, or just for a afternoon nap. - 2 bedrooms, each with luxury bathroom provide your privacy.
The spacious livingroom, the terrace built on the cliff over the ocean - you will remember having unforgettsble times with family and friends.
The stairs lead you up to the studio - flooded by sunlight with a breathtaking view to the Islands and Stown Town.
Two "Zanzibar Twin beds" are perfects in this studio are perfect for more family members or friends.

Equipment in all bungalows

  • Air conditioning,
  • ceiling fan,
  • hot and cold water,
  • mosquito net,
  • shower gel,
  • hair dryer,
  • towels,
  • beach towels,
  • beach basket,
  • mobile phone and room service are standard.

All terraces give you a spectacular view of the turquoise water of the Indian Ocean and the breathtaking African sunsets.


You may choose between a sandy beach with palm trees in our private bay or an exceptional experience
in the palace ruins of Sultan Barghash.

Kratek pregled

Located on the west coast of the exotic island Zanzibar under shady age-old mango trees, bordered by a secret private bay you will find our 4 star hotel Hakuna Matata Beach Lodge & Spa.
Hakuna Matata beach lodge offers 13 comfortable bungalows and one Villa- all with a spectacular view to the Indian Ocean.

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