Dunia Camp

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Podrobno o Dunia Camp

Dunia Camp’s superb tents are carefully placed on a peaceful campsite in the beautiful Nyareboro area, just north of Moru Kopjes.
A close-knit team of staff provides guests with a warm welcome and prepares delicious bush meals under the stars of the Serengeti sky.


8 luxury tents:

The eight spacious tents, slightly elevated on the slope of Nyareboro Hill, feature an en-suite bathroom and veranda from which magnificent views of the golden-grassed plains of the Serengeti unfold.


  • Number of tents: 8
  • Children: above 6 years
  • Triples: 2
  • Suitable for disabled guests
  • Distance between tents: 10-20 meters
  • En suite bathrooms
  • Flush toilets
  • In-room lockable box
  • Laundry service
  • Power: solar and generator
  • Battery charging facilities

Seronera: 1 hour from camp

The area has a very high concentration of big cats and game drives combine migration viewing with the search for lion, leopard and cheetah as well as the illustrious rhino.

The secluded setting of Dunia Camp is close to the breathtakingly scenic Moru Kopjes where big cats take advantage of the granite protrusions to gain elevation from which to view their territories. The area around Moru Kopjes also includes the rhinoceros sanctuary – this is one of the few places in the Serengeti where you will almost certainly find the endangered black rhino.

The nearby Seronera River is also easily accessible from the camp – this perennial water source sustains large herds of antelope year-round, ensuring excellent sightings of the lion, leopard and cheetah that roam the plains.

Kratek pregled

Dunia Tented Camp offers guests a homely and tranquil base from which to visit the well-known areas of  the central and southern Serengeti. The camp also allows access to a highly exclusive experience: the spectacular Moru Kopjes area, just south of the camp.
Perched in between the known territories of Ndutu and Seronera, the Moru Kopjes area has arguably the most breathtaking scenery the Serengeti has to offer. Surreal rock formations protrude out from the plains  and provide cats with a perfect viewpoint to overlook their territories.
Location: Southern Serengeti

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