Crater Lake Camp

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Crater Lake Naivasha

The camp is built on the shores of green volcanic like in the bottom of an old volcanic crater.The crater is 87 hectares in extent and the lake takes up to 14 hectares of this area.Over the last four years,the camp has been awarded a total of four awards by the Kenya travel Magazine "Travel News and Lifestyle" including Best tented camp in Kenya and Best Weekend getaway.It has also gained the reputation of being the most romantic camp in Kenya.The camp is open for 24 hours.

The Hotel will organize your full local excursion.


Activities at the camp are centred round nature and wildlife.There are guided nature walks in the crater and the Sanctuary.The bird list is over 400 species,of which it is easy to spot more than 100 species in a day. There are 30 species of wildlife in the sanctuary .At night the Hippo come out of the main Naivasha lake to graze,and it is possible to see the Aardvark and spring hares on night game drives.There is a colony of over 70 Colombus monkeys living here,In addition for the most of the year are Flamingoes covering almost the entire lake,numbers of which can go upto 3-4000 .


The camp comprises of eight double rooms and two permanent family bandas,all which are ensuite with hot and cold showers.Honey moon suite which has a large bush pole bed and double Jacuzzi.All rooms look out over the lake.

There is a fully stocked bar,dining room,verandah and a conference room,and the camp is popularly known for its full meals and snacks.

Kratek pregled

Tucked away in a hidden corner of Kenya's Great Rift Valley, Crater Lake offers a stirring encounter with wild Africa, just ninety minute's drive from downtown Nairobi. This magical lakeside lodge is the perfect stopover en route to the Nakuru and the Maasai Mara game parks, as well as a romantic getaway by itself!
History is everywhere at Crater Lake. The 10,000-acre game sanctuary houses the famous hilltop grave where Happy Valley's tragic heroine, Lady Diana Delamere, is buried with her last two husbands, Gilbert Colvile and Thomas Delamere. For the truly intrepid, there are the mysterious 'Caves of God' in the golden wheatfields of Ndabibi, reputed to be an inspiration for H. Rider Haggard's Allan Quartermain.

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