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Podrobno o Cape of Good Hope


Half or full-day guided tours with different means of transport are available. Ride a bus or hire a private car with an experienced guide, we always have the best solution for you. A trip to the Cape of Good Hope takes you over the Cape Peninsula, full of natural and human landmarks so plan your day including them.


Probably, the best way to see the Cape of Good Hope is by taking a Cape Peninsula day tour from Cape Town. Drive the coast of Cape Town and stop at stunning lookouts and landmarks.

The rocky Cape Peninsula juts out into the Atlantic Ocean at the south-western extremity of the African continent. Guarded by the majestic Table Mountain from the north it stretches some 50 km to the south, ending with Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope.

Cape Point is a promontory at the southeast corner of the Cape Peninsula, to where a mountainous scenic landform, running north-south for about thirty kilometres, leads. Stop at Boulder’s Beach to admire the penguin colony. Explore the enchanting Simon’s Town drive through Cape Point national park, ascend the Flying Dutchmen funicular to enjoy some breathtaking views before visiting the New Cape Point lighthouse at the extreme southwestern tip of the African continent.

Heading west, the Cape of Good Hope awaits you! Although renowned, Cape of Good Hope isn't the southernmost point of the mainland of Africa. That is Cape Agulhas, the official dividing point between the Atlantic and Indian oceans, approximately 150 kilometres to the east-southeast.

The Cape of Good Hope was originally named the Cape of Storms in 1488, due to the choppy seas that posed a challenge for ships voyaging east from Europe to India. It was later renamed the Cape of Good Hope because navigating around the cape allowed a safe passage from Europe to India. Great importance played The Dutch East India Trading Company. In mid-1600 it established the Cape of Good Hope as a refreshment station for ships sailing the spice trade route.

Various opening times are set throughout the year to coincide with daylight hours. The Cape of Good Hope gate opens at sunrise and closes at sunset. A few sights are as spectacular as the sun rising over False Bay, so make an extra effort to get there at opening time to witness this impaired beauty.

Kratek pregled

Are you an avid sailor? No? Nevertheless, you have surely heard of the three Great capes. These are the major capes of the continents in the Southern Ocean - Africa's Cape of Good Hope, Australia's Cape Leeuwin, and South America's Cape Horn. Now you have a chance to visit one and tick a box! Explore the Cape of Good Hope and visit the Cape Peninsula landmarks on the way to it.

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