Zenji Hotel

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Podrobno o Zenji Hotel


Zenji Hotel has 9 rooms.

Room types: Single, Double, Suite.

Every room has a different atmosphere referring to the rich Zanzibar heritage and culture but all with Western comfort.

Each room has a celing fan and air conditioning. Depending on your taste and choice you can choose between a room with balcony, a self-contained room or one of our two suite rooms.

In the rooms in the front of the hotel (Room of Wonder, Treasuer Chamber -both first floor- and 1001 Nights -second floor) you are able to watch and enjoy local life of the Zanzibarians. If you prefer a more quiet room we suggest the rooms in the back of the hotel: 'Sense of Jasmine' and 'Spice Corner'.

The Roof Top Cafe offers a nice view over Stone Town and the harbour, especially during sunset. Here you can relax, read a book, play a game or keep in touch with friends and family using our free wireless internet facility. Breakfast and lunch are served at the rooftop.


Free wireless Internet
We have wireless Internet access from every room and from the Rooftop Cafe. If you do not have your own notebook with you, you can ask the Reception to borrow one.

The Roof Top Cafe and the Zenji Cafe
At the Roof Top Cafe you can relax, read a book or play a game. Lunches and dinner are served at Zenji Cafe which is situated underneath Zenji Hotel.

Laundry service
Underneath the beds there are baskets where you can leave your clothes that need to be washed. They are ready and clean next day.

Hot water, air conditioning and safe-box
Each room has a ceiling fan, air conditioning, hot water and a safe-box.

In case of a power cut on the island we have a backup generator.


Samll, family run hotel where you will feel like at home! Great location - just around the ferry terminal and five minutes walk to the heart of Stone Town. All rooms are nice and clean. Some rooms have shared but clean bathroom, please contact us in case you dont want to have shared batroom. Suites are spacious with new bathrooms ensuite. Recommend every room! However rooms looking over street are a bit noisy at night. No alcohol served in this hotel.

Kratek pregled

In the middle of bustling Stone Town, within walking distance from the harbour, Zenji Hotel opened its doors  to welcome guests from all over the world in October 2008. 

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