The Manta Resort
Elevated and crafted along an idyllic island beach, The Manta Resort offers privacy, romance, adventure, and water sports on East Africa’s finest island sanctuary....
From the Ndutu region of the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara in southern Kenya... read more
We seek accommodation with friendly owners, helpful staff, great food, amazing pastime options, spectacular views, pleasant atmosphere and clean facilities.
We guarantee good value for money, whatever your choice of accommodation is.
We specialize in tailor making your tour to ensure you get the perfect safari itinerary for you tastes and budget.
Elevated and crafted along an idyllic island beach, The Manta Resort offers privacy, romance, adventure, and water sports on East Africa’s finest island sanctuary....
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Specializirani smo za unikatna potovanja in safarije po Afriki! Naši strokovnjaki vam z veseljem pomagajo pri pripravi potovanja glede na vaše želje in dodatne zahteve.
Od vašega prvega povpraševanja, pa vse dokler vas ne odložimo na letališču, smo ponosni da vedno ohranimo osebni pristop in najvišjo kakovost naše storitve.
Pošljite povpraševanje in svetovalec za safarije vas bo kontaktiral v 24h urah.
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