Great Migration
Up to 2 million animals, such as wildebeest, zebra, gazelle, topi, hartebeest and impala, migrate seasonally, in a clockwise direction, from south Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai Mara in Kenya.
Historically, the herds follow a fairly regular yearly pattern of migration. However, changes in climate and the timing of seasons can disrupt this pattern and result in migratory animals arriving in areas ahead of normal predictions. Yet, no matter what the time of year you come, there is always somewhere you can go within the Serengeti ecosystem to see the migration.
Below you can find some of our recommended itineraries for seeing the Great Migration, alternatively you can work with us to tailor make your a personalised itinerary.
Velika migracija v Tanzaniji-kotitvena sezona (januar-marec) - 4 dni
Migracija gnujev je krožno potovanje, ki se dogaja celo leto. Začne se v trenutku, ko se skotijo, kar se navadno zgodi po...
Velika migracija v Tanzaniji-kotitvena sezona (januar-marec) - 4 dni
Migracija gnujev je krožno potovanje, ki se dogaja celo leto. Začne se v trenutku, ko se skotijo, kar se navadno zgodi po...