Palumbo Reef

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Podrobno o Palumbo Reef

The resort is located in the center of the eastern coast of the island, next to Kiwengwa, only 35 kilometers away far from the airport, easily reachable with a 40-minute drive on paved roads. With a short walk from the hotel, you can reach Uroa, a quaint fishing village of generous and hospital people. The hotel is built right on the edge of Uroa Beach. You’ll be fascinated by the different hues the Indian Ocean turns and by the white beach where you can take long relaxing walks and admire the sand-banks during low tide. The beach is equipped with local handcrafted beach chairs, beach umbrellas and plush towels (upon deposit).

The resort boast 102 rooms, surrounded by a tropical garden and divided into three-story buildings. The rooms are divided into Standards, Junior Suites, Suites and a Presidential Suite. Almost all of rooms face the Indian Ocean with its dazzling array of colors.
Every room is decorated in African style with a veranda or balcony, double bed with mosquito net, fan, air conditioning, safety deposit box and hair dryer. Television extra on demand.

All the Junior Suites have a living room area with a sofa-bed.
The Suite is a perfect solution for families because it can comfortably accommodate four people. 

The Presidential Suite has a living room with two sofa-beds and a master bedroom with a private bathroom and specially assigned waitstaff. 

Thanks to the ample space available on the beach, a few activities are organized. You can engage in kite-surfing, beach volley, soccer, bowling and beach tennis. There is also a diving centre, next to the Resort. It’s also possible to rent deep-sea fishing boats. 

Kratek pregled

The famous Uroa beach is located on the eastern coast of the island. The most fascinating way to reach it is by walking through the Palumbo Reef. The resort extends elegantly towards the ocean. Starting from the reception, you’ll pass by tree-shaded rooms and the innovative undulating swimming pool, finally to step out onto the gleaming white sand and the amazing view of the ocean. 

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