Game drive safari in Tanzania

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Driving in a custom built safari vehicle with a professional driver and guide, you will be real adventurer, searching wildlife and exploring the true African wilderness. The safari vehicle is usually a 4WD vehicle with either slide windows or pop up roof for best panoramic viewing. It also optionally offers on board refreshment and HF radio-connection for fast wildlife location.

In the early morning the game drive viewing is the best because the wildlife is more active. During the hottest part of the day the animals mostly hide under trees or bushes and are not easily spotted. Our advise to spot animals is not to look directly at a bush, but through it in search of any obvious change in colour, shape or form. Waking up early for morning game drive, returning to your lodge or camp for a late breakfast and in the late afternoon enjoying another round of game driving in search of wildlife.


Custom built safari vehicle

Driving in a custom built safari vehicle with a professional driver and guide, you will be real adventurer, searching wildlife and exploring the true African wilderness. The safari vehicle is usually a 4WD vehicle with either slide windows or pop up roof for  best panoramic viewing. It also optionally offers on board refreshment and HF radio-connection for fast wildlife location.

Seating plan for safari car

Search wildlife and enjoy wilderness

In the early morning the game drive viewing is the best because the wildlife is more active. During the hottest part of the day the animals mostly hide under trees or bushes and are not easily spotted. Our advise to spot animals is not to look directly at a bush, but through it in search of any obvious change in colour, shape or form.

Typical day on a game drive 

Waking up early for morning game drive, returning to your lodge or camp for a late breakfast and in the late afternoon enjoying another round of game driving in search of wildlife. Game drives are usually held in the more cooler parts of the day. In the early morning between 6:30 and 9:30 and late afternoon between 3:30 and 6:30.

While out on game drives, you’re free to make stops when you want and return to camp when the children tire. Optional early mealtimes. The most wildlife viewing in the shortest time.

Lunchset Lunchset

What to bring on a game drive?

Binoculars, bottled water, a little snack, sunglasses, sunscreen, hat and guide books about animals and birds with you.


Kratek pregled

Driving in a custom built safari vehicle with a professional driver and guide, you will be real adventurer, searching wildlife and exploring the true African wilderness. The safari vehicle is usually a 4WD vehicle with either slide windows or pop up roof for best panoramic viewing. It also optionally offers on board refreshment and HF radio-connection for fast wildlife location

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