Dhow Palace Hotel

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Podrobno o Dhow Palace Hotel

Dhow Palace was originally the home of a rich merchant, Sheikh bin Mujbia. Bin Mujbia and his descendants kept the building for more than three centuries before it was sold. 
The Dhow Palace building, being right in the heart of the stone town, has bore witness to many events taking place in Zanzibar, before the Dhow building itself became the centre of attention back in 1993 when it was transformed from a family mansion to this elegant hotel. In 2005 it again sought the attention when the new wing was added.

The Dhow Palace can easily be described as a living museum dedicated to furniture, art and oriental ornaments which have found their way to the shores of Zanzibar over the past centuries.

The Hotel comprises of 30 rooms.

Room Amenities:

  • Most rooms with veranda
  • Air condition & ceiling fan
  • Flat Screen TV (LCD) with cable TV
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Fridge/Mini bars
  • Ensuite bathroom
  • Hot water
  • Hair dryers
  • Telephone Extension
  • Mosquito net
  • Check in 11:00am
  • Check out 10:00am


Pool side restaurant: The ideal relaxation spot for you where you can savor the restaurant's famous cuisine.


All the rooms at The Dhow Palace are self contained with Flat Screen and Cable Television, Swimming Pool in our courtyard area, Free Internet and Wi-Fi, Safe Deposit, Water Heater, Fridge, Hair Dryer and Telephone.

All the rooms in the new wing face the inner court yard and our small, but much appreciated swimming pool. We also offer you a safe deposit box free of charge, to store your valuable belongings. There is also a quick, reliable and efficient laundry service for you to take advantage of.

The Dhow Restaurant is located by the pool, and is where we serve you breakfast, lunch and dinner . Should you wish, a private and intimate supper can be arranged for you on our roof top terrace - taste our international cuisine while you watch the beautiful sunset over Zanzibar.

Kratek pregled

he Dhow, being the heart beat of the East African culture, has been carrying people, goods and treasures to and from Zanzibar for hundreds of years. 
Today, the Dhow Palace serves as a meeting point for people and cultures from all over the world amidst a decor and artefacts from a time gone by.

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