Safari po Tanzaniji
Serengeti Safari Fly in 3 days
If you're pressed for time and the Serengeti is your priority, why not cut out the driving and fly directly to the world-famous National Park? A three-day fly-in safari lets y...
Kratki safari tanzanijskega severnega kroga - 3 dni
Da doživimo utrip tanzanijskih parkov ne potrebujemo veliko časa! ...
Nacionalni park Selous - 3 dni
If you're tight for time and still want to explore Africa's largest protected wilderness, this three day Selous safari is for you. Twice as large as the more famous...
Priključi se skupini - Kratki safari tanzanijskega severnega kroga - 3 dni
Deli zabavo in stroške! Zagotovljeni odhodi in majhne skupine!Velikost skupine: največ 6 potnikov, najmanj 2 potnika Doplačilo za en...