Centro Yas Island

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Podrobno o Centro Yas Island

Created for purpose - from the ground up - Centro signals the launch of a new genre of executive hospitality. With chic looks and slick delivery underlying its service offering, Centro is an inspired philosophy and sets an unparalleled benchmark for the budget conscious business traveller.

Centro Yas Island is conveniently located on the spectacular and breathtaking destination that will take you beyond your wildest dreams. A few minutes away from the F1 Racetrack, Yas Links Golf Club, Yas Southern Marina, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, Yas Waterworld and Yas Beach, Centro Yas Island is 10 minutes away from the Abu Dhabi International Airport, 20 minutes from Abu Dhabi’s Business district and 40 minutes from Dubai.



Young and fresh, Centro Yas Island is a contemporary concept that is original in its presentation and dynamic in its offerings. This 259 room hotel meets the demands of a new generation of traveller, seeking finesse and functionality at reasonable rates.

Advanced business facilities are built into every room with high speed Wi-Fi internet access. Providing unique living spaces in a contemporary environment, Centro Yas Island offers amenities specifically geared to the needs of the travelling executive including a three meal restaurant, bar, deli take-away, well appointed business centre, 3 meeting rooms, gymnasium and a swimming pool, in addition to a shuttle bus with few trips per day to the main shopping malls in the city and free valet parking.

The Centro experience can be defined in six words. Smart Convenience; Minimum Fuss; Maximum Style. The emphasis is on quality, attention to detail and the personal touch.

To experience Yas Island and its unique destinations at utmost convenience, Yas Express is a complimentary transport service available to all hotel guests, providing pick-up and drop off at all attractions on Yas Island from 9am to 9pm. Complimentary shuttle service is also provided by the hotel to guests, with regular trips to Yas Beach and the city centre.


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Developed by one of the most successful and applauded hotel groups in the region, Centro is a contemporary concept that is young and fresh in its approach, original in its presentation, and dynamic in its offerings. It is designed for a new generation of travelling executives who demand both finesse and functionality at reasonable rates.

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