
Podroben opis

Podrobno o Camping

We provide everything!


  • tents
  • matresses
  • pillow
  • sleeping bags
  • safari chairs
  • dining table and cuttlery, dishes
  • food
  • professional cook
  • driver

You will sleep in secured campsites either in the parks or out of the parks, depending on your actual safari itinerary.

Usual camping safari starts with picking up the cook from the market that buys fresh ingredients for your future meals. Then the group heads to Tanzanian parks as applicable in itinerary you booked.

Driver is also your guide and will be your source of information about wildlife during safari. Driver arranges everything from entrance allowances as well as also puts the tent for you when you arrive in camping site.

Camping sites in all camping safaris in Tanzania have public toilets and bathrooms; cooks have their place for cooking . At the end of the day you will be able to do what ever you want. Of course if you are camping enthusiast you are always welcome to help with pitching tents.

Breakfast and dinner on camping safari are warm cooked three course meals, therefore don’t worry you will be eating canned food.

Important note: if you have special requests for food menu, please let us know. Persons with allergies and other special diates must mail us with list of forbidden foods and igredients.

What to pack for camping safari?

The complete list of suggested items from clothing to medical supplies you can see on this blog post

Specially for camping safari everyone should have with them:

  • headlamp
  • toiletries with toilete paper
  • hand sanitizer or cleaning wipes
  • travel towels

Our cars are equipped with electric plugs, therefore you dont have to worry about recharging your camera and other gadgets batteries.

Wifi connection is not available, but we provide each car with one usb 3G internet key with 1 Giga data available to spend on safari. Even if you can not disconnect yourself during vacation, you will have internet access during camping safari. However, you have to understand that internet reception may vary on the location, afterall you are in African wilderness.

Kratek pregled

Feel the nature! When you decide to take camping safari in Tanzania with Shadows of Africa you can be sure you don’t have to worry about anything as we take care for everything. In terms of equipment you will be provided with new tents, sleeping mattress, sleeping bag, and pillows. We bring table, comfortable safari chairs and other equipment that will make your camping safari in Tanzania comfortable.

  • Medeni tedniMedeni tedni
  • Znotraj narodnega parkaZnotraj narodnega parka
  • Na plažiNa plaži
  • Zunaj narodnega parkaZunaj narodnega parka
  • PorokePoroke
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